Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wisdom teeth and thanksgiving

For all those who had a wonderfully delicious thanksgiving dinner in front of you count your blessings that you were able to eat it! Because my family is full of huge procrastinators I of course still had my wisdom teeth in at the age of 20 when the dentists told me at 15 it was time for them to be removed. Well I came up with excuses because call me crazy but i had a fear of have my jaw drilled into and people hammering out four teeth. Maybe it's just me but that just doesn't sound enjoyable. Little did I understand that the longer I waited the more painful it would be for me. Never thinking ahead will always bite you in the butt. Lucky as I was I married a man who dad is a dentist and who has been telling me i really need them to be removed. That was over a year ago when Aaron tried to get me to let his dad do it. Which of course would be free and my parents really enjoyed that seeing as how a non-complicated surgery is about 350 a tooth and I of course had all four, but I still found a way out of it. When Aaron and I got married i knew i was going to have to let Mark do it sense we sadly have no dental insurance we really wouldn't be able to afford it. Recently I had started getting awful headaches, and no matter what i took they wouldn't go away. So of course we called my father-in-law and he said it was time to pull those babies out and when of all day did he want to do it? The day before Thanksgiving! I guess I was lucky because I knew i wouldn't gain the 5lbs that everyone unfortunately gains the week of thanksgiving. You see Americans don't just feast the one day, no we find it absolutely necessary to feast everyday of the week. However I only got one meal because our plans we had for the day before didn't work out because there was a huge snow storm in Nevada that kept us in reno for over an hour and made us 3 hours. However I did have yummy pizza that they made for us the night before the dreaded surgery.
I was lucky enough to have extremely strong drugs, before the surgery so I was almost unconscious but still conscious enough to move my mouth anywhere I needed. You would think I would be falling every where after the surgery because that is when people are really out of it right? Wrong! An hour before I was unable to dress myself, put my shoes on and Aaron and my brother-in-law Don had to carry me to the car on the way to the dentist office. and carry me into the office to sit on the chair. It was all a very odd experience i remember the surgery but I don't remember anything before or after. I do however remember passing out in the bathroom hallucinating that my rather tall brother-in-law was a giraffe and the three younger boys of the family were in a caterpillar costume. I don't know why my mind thought of giraffes and caterpillars but I guess the mind does weird things sometimes. the best part of the whole experience was when afterwards my face felt like it had a case of elephantitis from all the numbing, and the fact that I had to double check that cups of water were against my mouth because otherwise I would spill it all over my lap. Now I am grateful that Mark did because if any other dentist did it I know I would have severe bruising all over my previously pleasantly plump cheeks. Well as you can see it was a rather interesting thanksgiving and today is the first day I haven't had any need to take a massive amount of pain killers! I thought the pain would never end. My cheeks are still a little extra round and i have yet to eat solid food so i am constantly hungry and jealous of the lucky people eating around me. Aaron was amazing and rarely left my side and sense I didn't sleep for three days because of the awful pain I was in sadly neither did he. but he was always willing to run to the kitchen at 3 in the morning to get me another ice pack or dose of pain killers that in my opinion wore off much too quickly. It was defiantly a memorable holiday and I am very grateful that wisdom teeth never grow back, because I never want to do that again!
I hope everyone Had a wonderful Thanksgiving that they will never forget! But if i may suggest something, never wait five years to get your wisdom teeth pulled and don't do it the day before thanksgiving, you will either end up with four impacted extra large teeth or you will just end up slurping mash potatoes and gravy! neither are a good outcome trust me!