Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wisdom teeth and thanksgiving

For all those who had a wonderfully delicious thanksgiving dinner in front of you count your blessings that you were able to eat it! Because my family is full of huge procrastinators I of course still had my wisdom teeth in at the age of 20 when the dentists told me at 15 it was time for them to be removed. Well I came up with excuses because call me crazy but i had a fear of have my jaw drilled into and people hammering out four teeth. Maybe it's just me but that just doesn't sound enjoyable. Little did I understand that the longer I waited the more painful it would be for me. Never thinking ahead will always bite you in the butt. Lucky as I was I married a man who dad is a dentist and who has been telling me i really need them to be removed. That was over a year ago when Aaron tried to get me to let his dad do it. Which of course would be free and my parents really enjoyed that seeing as how a non-complicated surgery is about 350 a tooth and I of course had all four, but I still found a way out of it. When Aaron and I got married i knew i was going to have to let Mark do it sense we sadly have no dental insurance we really wouldn't be able to afford it. Recently I had started getting awful headaches, and no matter what i took they wouldn't go away. So of course we called my father-in-law and he said it was time to pull those babies out and when of all day did he want to do it? The day before Thanksgiving! I guess I was lucky because I knew i wouldn't gain the 5lbs that everyone unfortunately gains the week of thanksgiving. You see Americans don't just feast the one day, no we find it absolutely necessary to feast everyday of the week. However I only got one meal because our plans we had for the day before didn't work out because there was a huge snow storm in Nevada that kept us in reno for over an hour and made us 3 hours. However I did have yummy pizza that they made for us the night before the dreaded surgery.
I was lucky enough to have extremely strong drugs, before the surgery so I was almost unconscious but still conscious enough to move my mouth anywhere I needed. You would think I would be falling every where after the surgery because that is when people are really out of it right? Wrong! An hour before I was unable to dress myself, put my shoes on and Aaron and my brother-in-law Don had to carry me to the car on the way to the dentist office. and carry me into the office to sit on the chair. It was all a very odd experience i remember the surgery but I don't remember anything before or after. I do however remember passing out in the bathroom hallucinating that my rather tall brother-in-law was a giraffe and the three younger boys of the family were in a caterpillar costume. I don't know why my mind thought of giraffes and caterpillars but I guess the mind does weird things sometimes. the best part of the whole experience was when afterwards my face felt like it had a case of elephantitis from all the numbing, and the fact that I had to double check that cups of water were against my mouth because otherwise I would spill it all over my lap. Now I am grateful that Mark did because if any other dentist did it I know I would have severe bruising all over my previously pleasantly plump cheeks. Well as you can see it was a rather interesting thanksgiving and today is the first day I haven't had any need to take a massive amount of pain killers! I thought the pain would never end. My cheeks are still a little extra round and i have yet to eat solid food so i am constantly hungry and jealous of the lucky people eating around me. Aaron was amazing and rarely left my side and sense I didn't sleep for three days because of the awful pain I was in sadly neither did he. but he was always willing to run to the kitchen at 3 in the morning to get me another ice pack or dose of pain killers that in my opinion wore off much too quickly. It was defiantly a memorable holiday and I am very grateful that wisdom teeth never grow back, because I never want to do that again!
I hope everyone Had a wonderful Thanksgiving that they will never forget! But if i may suggest something, never wait five years to get your wisdom teeth pulled and don't do it the day before thanksgiving, you will either end up with four impacted extra large teeth or you will just end up slurping mash potatoes and gravy! neither are a good outcome trust me!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Aaron graduated!!! I was so proud of him! He made me so happy to be able to see him walk. I wanted nothing more than to see him walk. It was a great accomplishment. Here are a few pictures of the weekend. The ones at the bottom are of the honors luncheon we went to with Aaron's mom! It was such a fun day! I love Aaron so much enjoy the pictures!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Survey Results

Hi guys, Jaimie's probably not gonna like this, but I'm doing it anyway. Here's a link to see some of the cool survey results. You should probably take the survey before you look though, otherwise it may bias your answers.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Our Little home!

I have had a few people complain that i don't blog enough so I thought it would be a good idea to take a few pictures of our apartment! We both feel so blessed to have found such an amazing apartment. We love it so much and have been able to make it feel more like a home now that we have decorated. I still feel like I have a little tweaking to do but for now I am happy with the results of my first time decorating alone.

And now for your tour!

This is our bedroom which really needs quite a bit of my attention but I still need to find a cheap way to decorate and i have learned that I am drawn to the finer more expensive things for the home. I am determined to one Saturday drag Aaron to all the, apparently cool, thrift stores in salt lake and pick out some cool accessories for the bedroom! who knows maybe some good old fashion yard sales will do the trick.
our dining area slash piano room is my favorite part of our apartment even though its a little crowed for two people. It is so great to be able to get ready in the morning and hear Aaron playing the piano. I love to be able to see him enjoy his favorite things whenever he wants. Its also an added bonus because I can now practice for voice every day.

Our living room. I had a surprisingly difficult time decorating the room. The walls are too big!! but I think I was able to pull it together rather nicely and the best part about this room is that the coffee table and end table were only $30!!! Yeah that right I found something cheap for the house!
My kitchen, oh how I love to create fun new things in here! This is my own little art studio! It may be small but it gets the job done. I still have a ways to go in the decorating department here though. i am trying to give a 50's feel with a hint of yellow. so far no yellow but i have the cool clock to give it the 50's diner feel.

Moving on to Aaron's favorite part. this is our Porch, and in the evenings we will come out and light all the candles and either read or just enjoy the occasional thunder storms. Even though our view is the on ramp to i15 it is still a relaxing place to sit no matter how unfortunate the view.

This is the bed for our new little guest! but I have learned she prefers either my lap or pillow directly next me or Aaron. Since Aaron works at home and I work in Salt Lake they get to spend a lot of time together so she will often choose to be near Aaron over me, but this my fingers get licked less so I don't complain.

The best birthday present ever!!!!! we went to the laundry mat once and I couldn't handle it took too long cost too much and was just all around inconvenient and didn't even dry our clothes. So I received a lovely gift from a lovely husband! Yeah he loves me alright. Don't worry they are used very very used. The bathroom. I spent so much on the shower curtain that I couldn't throw it away and I like it and luckily Aaron thinks its fun so instead of having a calm neutral bathroom it is hot pink, black and white. and you know what i think its pretty down right cool! not to mention we have towels with P's embroidered on them! they were a pretty awesome wedding present!
Well that's our home and I promise I will do a better job keeping up the blog even when I don't have anything good to say! I love you all!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


For those who don't know how amazing Kimmy Conley is then you will for sure know by the time the wedding comes around because it will blow everyones mind! I swear I am not being a snobby bride that thinks her wedding is better than everyones but it will be amazing!!!! And it wont be like any Utah wedding you have ever seen!

There is only one thing that i am doing that every other LDS girl does. We are getting married in the Salt Lake City Temple. I just can't help but want to get married there it is so beautiful and my parents were married there I can't help but feel sentimental.

Pierpont Place is where we are having the reception!!! Its a great venue with just a blank canvas to work with. with every event it looks like a new place I cant wait to see how it looks for mine!

Did I mention the belly dancers? we will be having belly dancers dancing the night away while we have our amazing dinner. For those who have wanted to go to Morocco but couldn't no worries because I am bringing it to you!

The amazing Cedars of Lebanon will be catering our dinner! The food is amazing and you will want to eat there everyday after wards.

The wedding will be amazing and my dress is fabulous! It is going to be the perfect day! Aaron will look handsome and luckily he will be able to get rid of any nerves i will be feeling. He is so amazing I cant wait to have everyone I love meet him!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sardines, Rivers and Long hikes = happiness

For those who are wondering why Sardine equal happiness its more Cannery Row makes happiness which is where many Sardines were or are still canned. Cannery Row is also A famous book written by Steinbeck. Well to move on with why sardines make me happy it is because recently i had the opportunity to go to Monterey CA with Aaron for a day while we were visiting his family in Auburn. It was such a lovely trip. We were able to walk up and down Cannery Row and walk through some really cool stores. We also were able to go to the Aquarium!!! I love aquariums they are the best things to go see. Aaron was so amazing the whole time! we had so much fun! we saw jellyfish which were Aaron's favorite but the sea horses were my favorite but that is obvious i guess i really am just a horse girl at heart! I will warn you this blog is a little picture heavy and very few words but in my opinion those are the best kind so enjoy!

We had such a great time at the aquarium! although Aaron was eaten by a shark by the time we left! But then he broke out and know has the jaws as a prize!
For some of our fun adventures we went on two hikes! i was able to get a few pictures they were both so much fun! The beginning of hike number one! I was so excited for the first time ever i was actually dressed properly for a hike!Aaron's sister Barbara was so nice and took us on a hike that she has been on a few time with the younger boys. out of the two hikes this was by far my favorite.
we passed a mini water fall! well really it was just run off from the snow but it felt so good! and it was pretty!

yay to waterfalls! they are so beautiful. anytime a hike results in a waterfall it is definitely worth any pain i might feel the nest day. Yay to the cool things that on can find on a hike! i love taking pictures! this blue belly lizard was awesome it stayed in this protective stance for a good five minutes.the hike was beautiful and we hound all kinds of fun stuff. yeah the lizard was fun but these flowers grown on the rocks and they were so interesting. They felt like cactus just without the needles.

The second hike we went on was Steven's trail! it was such a lovely day. i didn't get very many pictures but i was able to get a few. so enjoy! Aaron thought it would be a good idea for him to climb up the waterfall all the way to the top! i was a little nervous he would fall but he was safe the whole time.The hike was so pretty! at part of the hike we passes a water fall! Aaron and i climbed up to get our picture taken in it.Dallon, Ammon and Aaron all jumped in the river at the bottom of Stevens trail but Dallon was by far the most enthusiastic about it! he did a countdown and everything! he is such a cutie and love those boys.
next it was Ammon. the water was freezing cold I don't know how they did it!

The boys finally got Aaron to go in but he wasn't nearly as brave as the other two! he didn't want to get his hair wet! but we finally convinced him to put his head under! But the worst part was when he gave me a hug he was so cold i am so happy i didn't jump in! Its the end!!! I am a new and improved hiking girl!
I love to go to California and the great part about it all is that I am able to get to know Aaron's family a little more every time i visit. Aaron has been able to get to know my family so well and has to be around them so often. I almost feel like we are cheating in a way. I had such a great time with his family. Barbara was so much fun to be with, it was the first time I ever got to spend time with her and all the younger boys are all so different from the first time I met them.
We always make so many memories when ever we go to California and we love being able to go back!!! Hopefully one day we will be able to own a ranch in Loomis like we both want to do! It would be so fun and it is such a great town! Sorry to all my southern California friends but Northern California is so much better and because i grew up in Southern California i am aloud to say which is better and my friends northern is so much better.
We had such a great time on the trip! I hope you all enjoyed the pictures as much as i enjoyed taking them!